PAL stats specialises in the statistical analysis of market research data. We have a vast range of statistical methods that we can apply to your data queries…
Some of the other methods we use are – Discriminant analysis / SIMALTO / AID / CHAID / SEM / Correspondence analysis and preference maps, product optimisation (inc. Conjoint & simulation), exploratory factor analysis, plus many others.
PAL stats consultants have decades of experience in market research data processing and analysis. We have experience in almost every survey area/subject and specialise in complex projects. We handle data cleaning and checking, tabulations and export for further statistical analysis or reporting.
Data reporting and visualisation can make a huge difference as to whether an end user understands the results of a survey or not. PAL stats has experience in almost every data reporting and visualisation techniques used today. From the humble (or not so humble) Powerpoint presentation to interactive web-based dashboards of results, we have the necessary skills and experience.
Data reporting can become a tedious manual process when there are multiple similar pages or multiple similar reports for different regions or other entities. PAL stats can help by automating the reporting process to reduce manual production time and eliminate manual transcription errors.
Automated data analysis and reporting has become a valuable tool for many businesses to keep informed about their essential business metrics. PAL stats has expertise in creating systems to integrate data collection, analysis and reporting.
Specialists in data and statistical analysis, making advanced stats easy to apply and understand, for business and market research.
Contact us to discuss any data problem you would like help with.